My Bui (Mimi)

Data Engineer & DataOps

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from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("bookRev").getOrCreate()

Read inputs

rating_df ="data/ratings.csv", format="csv", sep=";", inferSchema="true", header="true")
book_df ="data/books.csv", format="csv", sep=";", inferSchema="true", header="true")
user_df ="data/users.csv", format="csv", sep=";", inferSchema="true", header="true")

Check schemas

DataFrame[User-ID: int, ISBN: string, Book-Rating: int]
DataFrame[ISBN: string, Book-Title: string, Book-Author: string, Year-Of-Publication: int, Publisher: string, Image-URL-S: string, Image-URL-M: string, Image-URL-L: string]
DataFrame[User-ID: string, Location: string, Age: string]
spark.sql("SHOW DATABASES").show()
|  default|

Create tables

1. Top 5 books receive highest average ratings (must receive at least 100 ratings)

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

valid_book_df = rating_df.groupBy('ISBN').count().where(col('count') >= 100).select('ISBN')

Number of books received at least 100 ratings

from pyspark.sql.functions import desc

top_5 = valid_book_df.join(rating_df, 'ISBN').groupBy('ISBN').avg()\
                     .join(book_df, 'ISBN').sort(desc('avg(Book-Rating)'))\
                     .select('ISBN', 'Book-Title', 'avg(Book-Rating)').show(5)
|      ISBN|          Book-Title|  avg(Book-Rating)|
|0439064864|Harry Potter and ...|6.6117647058823525|
|0439139597|Harry Potter and ...| 6.541237113402062|
|0439136350|Harry Potter and ...| 6.467005076142132|
|0590353403|Harry Potter and ...| 6.363095238095238|
|043935806X|Harry Potter and ...|  5.57185628742515|
only showing top 5 rows

2. Top 5 U.S. states that review the most books

from pyspark.sql.functions import split, lower

state_df = user_df.withColumn("City", split(col("Location"), ",").getItem(0))\
       .withColumn("State", split(col("Location"), ",").getItem(1))\
       .withColumn("Country", split(col("Location"), ",").getItem(2))\
       .select('User-ID', 'State', 'Country', 'Age')
|User-ID|           State|        Country| Age|
|      1|        new york|            usa|NULL|
|      2|      california|            usa|  18|
|      3| yukon territory|         russia|NULL|
|      4|        v.n.gaia|       portugal|  17|
|      5|           hants| united kingdom|NULL|
only showing top 5 rows
state_df.filter("Country LIKE '%usa%'").groupBy('State').count().sort(desc('count')).show(5)
|        State|count|
|   california|19663|
|        texas| 8291|
|     new york| 7756|
|      florida| 6928|
| pennsylvania| 5975|
only showing top 5 rows

3. Top 5 books that receive the most international ratings (count only the number of countries from which they receive their ratings)

rating_df = rating_df.withColumnRenamed('User-ID', 'UserID')
state_df = state_df.withColumnRenamed('User-ID', 'UserID')
book_df = book_df.withColumnRenamed('Book-Title', 'BookTitle')
spark.sql('SHOW TABLES').show()
|        |     book|       true|
|        |   rating|       true|
|        |    state|       true|
spark.sql("SELECT rating.ISBN, first(BookTitle), COUNT(Country)\
          FROM rating\
          JOIN state\
          ON rating.UserID = state.UserID\
          JOIN book\
          ON rating.ISBN = book.ISBN\
          GROUP BY rating.ISBN\
          ORDER BY COUNT(Country) DESC\
          LIMIT 5").show()
|      ISBN|first(BookTitle, false)|count(Country)|
|0971880107|            Wild Animus|          2502|
|0316666343|   The Lovely Bones:...|          1295|
|0385504209|      The Da Vinci Code|           883|
|0060928336|   Divine Secrets of...|           732|
|0312195516|   The Red Tent (Bes...|           723|

4. What is America’s top 5 favourite books?

spark.sql("SELECT rating.ISBN, first(BookTitle) AS Title, COUNT(rating.UserID)\
          FROM rating\
          JOIN state\
          ON rating.UserID = state.UserID\
          JOIN book\
          ON rating.ISBN = book.ISBN\
          WHERE Country LIKE '%usa%'\
          GROUP BY rating.ISBN\
          ORDER BY COUNT(rating.UserID) DESC\
          LIMIT 5").show()
|      ISBN|               Title|count(UserID)|
|0971880107|         Wild Animus|         1196|
|0316666343|The Lovely Bones:...|          932|
|0385504209|   The Da Vinci Code|          704|
|0060928336|Divine Secrets of...|          594|
|0312195516|The Red Tent (Bes...|          564|