My Bui (Mimi)

Data Engineer & DataOps

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This data set explores the relationship between income and religion in the US. It comes from a report produced by the Pew Research Center, an American think-tank that collects data on attitudes to topics ranging from religion to the internet.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
pew_data = pd.read_csv('Data/pew.csv')
religion <$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k $75-100k $100-150k >150k Don't know/refused
0 Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137 122 109 84 96
1 Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70 73 59 74 76
2 Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58 62 39 53 54
3 Catholic 418 617 732 670 638 1116 949 792 633 1489
4 Don’t know/refused 15 14 15 11 10 35 21 17 18 116
5 Evangelical Prot 575 869 1064 982 881 1486 949 723 414 1529
6 Hindu 1 9 7 9 11 34 47 48 54 37
7 Historically Black Prot 228 244 236 238 197 223 131 81 78 339
8 Jehovah's Witness 20 27 24 24 21 30 15 11 6 37
9 Jewish 19 19 25 25 30 95 69 87 151 162
10 Mainline Prot 289 495 619 655 651 1107 939 753 634 1328
11 Mormon 29 40 48 51 56 112 85 49 42 69
12 Muslim 6 7 9 10 9 23 16 8 6 22
13 Orthodox 13 17 23 32 32 47 38 42 46 73
14 Other Christian 9 7 11 13 13 14 18 14 12 18
15 Other Faiths 20 33 40 46 49 63 46 40 41 71
16 Other World Religions 5 2 3 4 2 7 3 4 4 8
17 Unaffiliated 217 299 374 365 341 528 407 321 258 597
pew_data['Total'] = pew_data.sum(axis=1)
pew_data.set_index('religion', inplace=True)
<$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k $75-100k $100-150k >150k Don't know/refused Total
Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137 122 109 84 96 826
Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70 73 59 74 76 515
Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58 62 39 53 54 411
Catholic 418 617 732 670 638 1116 949 792 633 1489 8054
Don’t know/refused 15 14 15 11 10 35 21 17 18 116 272
Evangelical Prot 575 869 1064 982 881 1486 949 723 414 1529 9472
Hindu 1 9 7 9 11 34 47 48 54 37 257
Historically Black Prot 228 244 236 238 197 223 131 81 78 339 1995
Jehovah's Witness 20 27 24 24 21 30 15 11 6 37 215
Jewish 19 19 25 25 30 95 69 87 151 162 682
Mainline Prot 289 495 619 655 651 1107 939 753 634 1328 7470
Mormon 29 40 48 51 56 112 85 49 42 69 581
Muslim 6 7 9 10 9 23 16 8 6 22 116
Orthodox 13 17 23 32 32 47 38 42 46 73 363
Other Christian 9 7 11 13 13 14 18 14 12 18 129
Other Faiths 20 33 40 46 49 63 46 40 41 71 449
Other World Religions 5 2 3 4 2 7 3 4 4 8 42
Unaffiliated 217 299 374 365 341 528 407 321 258 597 3707

1. What are the most common income range for each group?

We’ll start with computing ratio income for each group. As we are only interested in known income range (e.g. $x-yk), we will drop the column ‘Don’t know/refused’.

pew_ratio = pew_data.copy()

for i in pew_data:
    pew_ratio[i] = round(pew_data[i]/pew_data['Total'], 3)
pew_ratio.drop(columns=["Don't know/refused", 'Total'], inplace=True)
<$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k $75-100k $100-150k >150k
Agnostic 0.033 0.041 0.073 0.098 0.092 0.166 0.148 0.132 0.102
Atheist 0.023 0.052 0.072 0.101 0.068 0.136 0.142 0.115 0.144
Buddhist 0.066 0.051 0.073 0.083 0.080 0.141 0.151 0.095 0.129
Catholic 0.052 0.077 0.091 0.083 0.079 0.139 0.118 0.098 0.079
Don’t know/refused 0.055 0.051 0.055 0.040 0.037 0.129 0.077 0.062 0.066
Evangelical Prot 0.061 0.092 0.112 0.104 0.093 0.157 0.100 0.076 0.044
Hindu 0.004 0.035 0.027 0.035 0.043 0.132 0.183 0.187 0.210
Historically Black Prot 0.114 0.122 0.118 0.119 0.099 0.112 0.066 0.041 0.039
Jehovah's Witness 0.093 0.126 0.112 0.112 0.098 0.140 0.070 0.051 0.028
Jewish 0.028 0.028 0.037 0.037 0.044 0.139 0.101 0.128 0.221
Mainline Prot 0.039 0.066 0.083 0.088 0.087 0.148 0.126 0.101 0.085
Mormon 0.050 0.069 0.083 0.088 0.096 0.193 0.146 0.084 0.072
Muslim 0.052 0.060 0.078 0.086 0.078 0.198 0.138 0.069 0.052
Orthodox 0.036 0.047 0.063 0.088 0.088 0.129 0.105 0.116 0.127
Other Christian 0.070 0.054 0.085 0.101 0.101 0.109 0.140 0.109 0.093
Other Faiths 0.045 0.073 0.089 0.102 0.109 0.140 0.102 0.089 0.091
Other World Religions 0.119 0.048 0.071 0.095 0.048 0.167 0.071 0.095 0.095
Unaffiliated 0.059 0.081 0.101 0.098 0.092 0.142 0.110 0.087 0.070

The most common income range for each group is constructed with a helper method ‘income_range’.

def income_range(df):
    holder = []
    most_common = pd.DataFrame(pew_ratio.max(axis=1), columns=['ratio'])
    for i in range(0, len(df)):
        income_index = np.where(df[df.index == df.index[i]].values == most_common.iloc[i].values[0])[1][0]
    most_common['most common income range'] = holder
    return most_common
output_1 = income_range(pew_ratio)
ratio most common income range
Agnostic 0.166 $50-75k
Atheist 0.144 >150k
Buddhist 0.151 $75-100k
Catholic 0.139 $50-75k
Don’t know/refused 0.129 $50-75k
Evangelical Prot 0.157 $50-75k
Hindu 0.210 >150k
Historically Black Prot 0.122 $10-20k
Jehovah's Witness 0.140 $50-75k
Jewish 0.221 >150k
Mainline Prot 0.148 $50-75k
Mormon 0.193 $50-75k
Muslim 0.198 $50-75k
Orthodox 0.129 $50-75k
Other Christian 0.140 $75-100k
Other Faiths 0.140 $50-75k
Other World Religions 0.167 $50-75k
Unaffiliated 0.142 $50-75k

There is quite a few interesting knowledge left unexploited. Here are some sub-questions that we’d like to explore:

1.1. Among these income ranges, what is the highest range?

1.2. What is the most common range?

1.3. What is the lowest range?

Due to sensitivity, we are only interested in the column ‘most common income range’. We’ll drop other columns off interests.

output_1.reset_index().drop(columns=['religion', 'ratio']).sort_values(by='most common income range')
most common income range
7 $10-20k
0 $50-75k
15 $50-75k
13 $50-75k
12 $50-75k
11 $50-75k
10 $50-75k
16 $50-75k
8 $50-75k
5 $50-75k
4 $50-75k
3 $50-75k
17 $50-75k
2 $75-100k
14 $75-100k
9 >150k
1 >150k
6 >150k

The answer to 3 sub-questions is obvious:

1.1. The highest income range is ‘>150k’. There are 3 religion groups that reach the maximum.

1.2. The most common income range is ‘$50-75k’.

1.3. The lowest income range is ‘$10-20k’.

The insights can be visualized below.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
output_1.plot(ax=ax, x='most common income range', y='ratio', kind='scatter', figsize=(6, 6))
ax.set_title('Income ranges scatter plot')
plt.xlabel('Income ranges')
plt.tick_params(left=False, top=False, right=False, labelleft=False)


2. Visualize income distribution

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
pew_data.boxplot(ax=ax, rot=45)
ax.set_title('Income ranges distribution')
plt.xlabel('Income ranges')
plt.tick_params(top=False, right=False)


pew_t = pew_data.T
religion Agnostic Atheist Buddhist Catholic Don’t know/refused Evangelical Prot Hindu Historically Black Prot Jehovah's Witness Jewish Mainline Prot Mormon Muslim Orthodox Other Christian Other Faiths Other World Religions Unaffiliated
<$10k 27 12 27 418 15 575 1 228 20 19 289 29 6 13 9 20 5 217
$10-20k 34 27 21 617 14 869 9 244 27 19 495 40 7 17 7 33 2 299
$20-30k 60 37 30 732 15 1064 7 236 24 25 619 48 9 23 11 40 3 374
$30-40k 81 52 34 670 11 982 9 238 24 25 655 51 10 32 13 46 4 365
$40-50k 76 35 33 638 10 881 11 197 21 30 651 56 9 32 13 49 2 341
$50-75k 137 70 58 1116 35 1486 34 223 30 95 1107 112 23 47 14 63 7 528
$75-100k 122 73 62 949 21 949 47 131 15 69 939 85 16 38 18 46 3 407
$100-150k 109 59 39 792 17 723 48 81 11 87 753 49 8 42 14 40 4 321
>150k 84 74 53 633 18 414 54 78 6 151 634 42 6 46 12 41 4 258
Don't know/refused 96 76 54 1489 116 1529 37 339 37 162 1328 69 22 73 18 71 8 597
Total 826 515 411 8054 272 9472 257 1995 215 682 7470 581 116 363 129 449 42 3707
# drop unused columns and rows
pew_t = pew_t[1:]
pew_t = pew_t[:-2]
# make a weight table
pew_t['Total'] = pew_t.sum(axis=1)
for i in pew_t:
    pew_t[i] = pew_t[i]/pew_t['Total']*100
religion Agnostic Atheist Buddhist Catholic Don’t know/refused Evangelical Prot Hindu Historically Black Prot Jehovah's Witness Jewish Mainline Prot Mormon Muslim Orthodox Other Christian Other Faiths Other World Religions Unaffiliated Total
$10-20k 1.222582 0.970874 0.755124 22.186264 0.503416 31.247753 0.323625 8.773822 0.970874 0.683207 17.799353 1.438332 0.251708 0.611291 0.251708 1.186624 0.071917 10.751528 100.0
$20-30k 1.787310 1.102175 0.893655 21.805183 0.446828 31.694966 0.208520 7.030086 0.714924 0.744713 18.439083 1.429848 0.268097 0.685136 0.327674 1.191540 0.089366 11.140900 100.0
$30-40k 2.453059 1.574803 1.029679 20.290733 0.333131 29.739552 0.272562 7.207753 0.726832 0.757117 19.836463 1.544518 0.302847 0.969110 0.393701 1.393095 0.121139 11.053907 100.0
$40-50k 2.463533 1.134522 1.069692 20.680713 0.324149 28.557536 0.356564 6.385737 0.680713 0.972447 21.102107 1.815235 0.291734 1.037277 0.421394 1.588331 0.064830 11.053485 100.0
$50-75k 2.642237 1.350048 1.118611 21.523626 0.675024 28.659595 0.655738 4.300868 0.578592 1.832208 21.350048 2.160077 0.443587 0.906461 0.270010 1.215043 0.135005 10.183221 100.0
$75-100k 3.057644 1.829574 1.553885 23.784461 0.526316 23.784461 1.177945 3.283208 0.375940 1.729323 23.533835 2.130326 0.401003 0.952381 0.451128 1.152882 0.075188 10.200501 100.0
$100-150k 3.409446 1.845480 1.219894 24.773225 0.531749 22.614952 1.501408 2.533625 0.344073 2.721301 23.553331 1.532687 0.250235 1.313732 0.437911 1.251173 0.125117 10.040663 100.0
>150k 3.220859 2.837423 2.032209 24.271472 0.690184 15.874233 2.070552 2.990798 0.230061 5.789877 24.309816 1.610429 0.230061 1.763804 0.460123 1.572086 0.153374 9.892638 100.0
income = pew_t.index.to_list()[:-1]
pew_t_cols = pew_t.columns[:-1]
result = dict()
for i in pew_t_cols:
    result[i] = list(pew_t[i].values)

def survey(result, income):
    labels = list(result.keys())
    data = np.array(list(result.values()))
    data_cum = data.cumsum(axis=1)
    category_colors = plt.get_cmap('RdYlGn')(np.linspace(0.15, 1, data.shape[1]))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
    ax.set_xlim(0, np.sum(data, axis=1).max())

    for i, (colname, color) in enumerate(zip(income, category_colors)):
        widths = data[:, i]
        starts = data_cum[:, i] - widths
        ax.barh(labels, widths, left=starts, height=0.7,
                label=colname, color=color)
        # place number at center of bar
        #xcenters = starts + widths / 2

        r, g, b, _ = color
        text_color = 'white' if r * g * b < 0.5 else 'darkgrey'
        #for y, (x, c) in enumerate(zip(xcenters, widths)):
            #ax.text(x, y, str(int(c)), ha='center', va='center',
    ax.legend(ncol=len(income), bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1),
              loc='upper right', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_title('Income distribution per religion group')
    return fig, ax

survey(result, income)
